we can design all electrical melting furnace to manufacturing basalt fibers.the basalt fiber
Basalt is a natural material that is found in volcanic rocks originated from frozen lava, with a melting temperature comprised between 1500° and 1700oC . Its state is strongly influenced by the temperature rate of quenching process that leads to more or less complete crystallization.
Perhaps 80% of basalts are made up by two essential minerals; i.e. plagiocene and pyroxene.
Analysing the chemical composition it is possible to observe that SiO2 is the main constituent and
Al2O3 is the second one. In Table 1 is reported the typical composition, as identified by Militky et al and Deak et al.
Basalt fibre, which was developed by Moscow Research Institute of Glass and Plastic in 1953–
1954, is a high-tech fibre invented by the former Soviet Union after 30 years of research and
development, and its first industrial production furnace that adopted 200 nozzles drain board
combination oven bushing process was completed in 1985 at Ukraine fibre laboratory.